Saturday, July 26, 2014

Facing My Reality (2012...The Year I Lost Myself pt. 2)

Am I dreaming? Ok Bridge, let's go back to sleep and wake up and try this all over again. Ummmm, Somebody just pinch me please because this can't be happening.  Did my worst nightmare just become my reality? Is it really over? 

Honestly, I couldn't believe it. After 4 years, it was finally over. Done. No more me and him. I felt my life was breaking down into tiny pieces right before my eyes. And I just knew there was no way I could put it back together. I felt so alone. I needed him. I couldn't live without him. I mean, I didn't want to live without him. I wasn't ready for this. Not prepared for this at all. 

What would my life be without him? No more dates, no more late conversations, no more saying "I love you and I miss you" almost every day. No more kisses, and being held at night, etc. It was really over and I had absolutely no idea how I was going to move forward. 

In April, my pastor preached a sermon about "Healing After Divorce" where he spoke about, in detail, the 5 Stages of Grief. The 5 stages of grief, is a series of emotional stages experienced when a person is enduring keen mental suffering or distress over a loss. The five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Although I hadn't come out of a divorce I strongly related to his message. 

The first stage is Denial. Whew. My how I was in denial. My mind honestly would not let me believe that it was over. I was numb. Extremely numb. "Oh, he'll be back. He's just mad or whatever. He'll get over it." I told myself this for a very long time. It was my way of "dealing with it easier". Even though I was heavily in denial, part of me knew the truth. I knew deeeep down in my heart that it was over. And once I realized that, I stomped my way into the second stage of grief, Anger

I was honestly mad at him and at the world. Wait, I don't think mad can describe the way I felt. I HATED him. Everything about him and the situation, I absolutely loathed. I called him, texted him, left crazy messages just so he knew how much I hated him and how upset and hurt I was. But, everything remained the same. We still weren't together. He still had broken up with me. I was still....single. 

"Ok babe, if you come back to me I promise to do whatever you want me to. I just want to make it work. I'll stop calling so much, I promise to stop my nagging, I'll do WHATEVER it takes. Just take me back please. PLEASE." I begged and pleaded with him and God often. "God, I promise if you bring him back into my life I will do right by him. And right by you. Seriously, God, like I won't ask you for anything else. Just do this one thing for me." Hmph. Once you finally accept the situation and get over your "Angry" phase, you begin Bargaining. I will do "this" if you do "this". Bargaining only led to more heart ache and it made it more difficult to get over what was happening.   

He wasn't having it. We couldn't and wouldn't be back with each other and I finally realized it. All of my emotions were brought into the present time and I was forced to face my situation. And when I did, Depression snuck up on me. I couldn't eat, nor sleep. I always wanted to be left alone. I had absolutely no desire to do anything. As my reality was getting more and more clearer, my depression was only getting worse. I blamed myself for everything. "If only I were a better girlfriend..." This stage was the hardest stage to come out of. And I honestly stayed here for a year. BUT GOD...

It was a long time coming, but I finally reached the stage of Acceptance. Now this by no means, meant that I was "ok" with the situation. I seriously just got to the point where I accepted my reality. Me and him were not together and were not going to be. And I was perfectly fine with that. After I stop beating myself up over it and honestly forgave myself, I began to forgive him. Which is one of the most important acts in the "acceptance stage".  Now I know it may seem like it was a smooth journey throughout these 5 stages, but it was honestly the hardest thing I ever had to deal with in my life. I often found myself going back and forth between stages. I would go from bargaining to denial again in no time. I was at certain stages longer than others. My journey was filled with tears, many many tears. But Sooo many lessons. By the Grace of God, through my praying family and friends I got to the point of Acceptance. I could have never made it to this stage without Him. He delivered me from the lowest point of my life and I am so thankful for that. God showed me my true beauty and my worth. It took me almost 2 years to reach this point. And some things I still struggle with but One thing is know is that I'm just fine. 

My message to anyone going through a breakup right now to pray and trust God to deliver you from the pain and heartache. Don't blame yourself. In order for it to be your fault, that would mean that you were in control of your life and the situation in the beginning and we all know that's not true. God will remove people from your life and you may not ever understand why. You have to trust his will and know he wants what's best for you. Learn as many lessons as you can about yourself and what you want in life. Take this time out to embrace your singleness. Love yourself, love others, and trust God. He will always hold your hand throughout your storm. And what a beautiful sight to see when the rainbow finally comes. ☺️ I minister to you, I minister to myself. 

With Love, 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

"Perfectly Flawed"

"If they hadn't told me I was ugly I would have never searched for my beauty. And If they hadn't tried to break me down I wouldn't know I was unbreakable"-Gabourey Sidibe (Precious) 

It took me a very long time to realize my true beauty. I can remember being the center of jokes regarding my dark skin and large thighs when I was younger and it stuck with me for a very long time. I used to spend hours criticizing myself. "My butt is too big, my hips are too wide, I hate my nose, my hair is too nappy, my skin is too dark, and the list goes on. I didn't look like the girls from the magazines or a model on TV and I hated that. But one day I decided that my flaws are what makes me who I am. Despite what Queen Bey says, no one is FLAWLESS and I wouldn't be Bridge without my wide hips and pointy nose. My dark skin and my nappy hair. My imperfections are what makes me beautiful. Therefore I'm thankfully PERFECTLY FLAWED. So I asked a few other ladies what "Perfectly Flawed" meant to them. Below are their responses. 

"Well no one is perfect. However, we are perfectly unique... We all have flaws that make us who we are.... It's like the saying.. "Nobody's perfect.. But you're perfect for me.." We wouldn't be half the women, half the people we are if our flaws didn't exist.. So to me, perfectly flawed means that though I'm not textbook perfect, God makes no mistakes... So everything I am...& everything I'm not.. Was all divinely orchestrated by the one in whose Image I was created."-Brittany

"Being perfectly flawed shows that you embrace your short comings and use them for the better"-Pre

"Being perfectly flawed means that you know that you have flaws, you know that you have things to work on, but at the same time you have self love and appreciate who you are and you're willing to accept that you're not always going to be flawless. You're not always going to be accepted the way you want to be accepted. You're willing to work on it and you're perfectly fine with accepting who you are."- Delilah 

"Means fully acceptant of myself despite what others define as perfect."-Nae

"Perfectly Flawed to me means that no one is perfect and we all have characteristics about ourselves that we would want to change. Instead of changing it we just accept it and make it something positive in our lives rather than something negative and having it define who we are."-Ashley 

"It sounds like someone who has accepted that they can't be perfect and they have accepted themselves as they are. Whether thats a big nose, big forehead, and bad attitude."-LaLa 

"We all have some type of flaw about us to be honest....we are never flawless... When we recognize that we are perfectly flawed.... That's what it means to me."-Chels 

"I believe it means that no one is perfect...And to someone out there you are perfect for them with all your imperfections..."-Michelle 

"Perfectly flawed to me means being content and secure with every idiosyncrasy and every imperfect thing about ones self. It means being confident despite your self perceived flaws and knowing that we were all created and designed perfectly by God with a specific purpose in mind."-AJ

"To me perfectly flawed is the understanding that you know you have things you could fix or improve on about yourself. Yet you are ok with the way you are or committed to improving on the flaws it's always something we could work on within ourselves. But embracing your flaws beauty wise already makes you 10times more beautiful."-Vinny

"Perfectly flawed is being completely content with your imperfections! Your imperfections makes you the person you are today."-Jasmine 

"Perfectly flawed is like a saying... a saying meaning "I accept me for who I am, I love my self the way God has put me together" flaws and all I am perfect who I am cause thats the way God made me... its something that every women should feel because of the heavy affect that society and social media has on us, we feel obligated to look like the ideal woman that we see online and on TV."-Kav

"It means that your flaws, mistakes, good and the bad make you who you are. perfectly flawed is to admit that you are human but you are a constant work in progress..."-JaJa 

So as you can tell, although the answers were all different they definitely shared the same concept. No matter what flaws you may feel you have, know that you are BEAUTIFUL!!! FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made in His(Jesus) image. Don't ever let anyone make you feel otherwise. True beauty starts within. Always remember that and walk with your head held high. 

With Love, 


****Comment and tell me what Perfectly Flawed" means to you.****