Thursday, March 5, 2015

My One & Only

Day 4: Choose God

When has God not been good enough? Why am I blogging about "Choosing God" as if there's another valuable option? 

This is probably the most important day of my series. I'm blogging about what I'm doing to impact my life and "Choosing God" is definitely #1 on my list. I've been going through a lot where I've not been faithful to God and his word. Instead of allowing God to order my steps, I've been trying to lead my own life and direct my own path. And guess what?....I've been falling flat on my face for that every reason. 

In a previous blog I discussed my relationship with God. I soon realized what I was doing wrong.  I don't pray like I should. I don't read my bible like I should. My relationship with God is present only because he promised to never leave me. But I've honestly been treating him like an "option" or like he is "2nd place". Not purposely, but I admit that it's been happening. I mean, how can I expect God to hear me when I won't allow my heart to speak to him.
God provides me with everything I need. Even when I feel I'm at my wits end, he shows up and shows out for me. I swear I'm so underserving, but he keeps on blessing me. So despite anything I may go through I promise to "Choose God". He is and will forever be the only way. 


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sushi: My New Found Love

Day 3: Adventure 

So the weather was totally not in love with me today so I wasn't really able to do what I wanted to in regards to Day3 of R.E.A.C.H. But nevertheless, my main goal for today was to do something I've never done before. Something totally out of my element. So guess what I did?........I ate Sushi. (My, My, My) 

Now any time I've heard the word Sushi I cringed. And that's because I always thought about raw, uncooked fish. (I know I'm a little oblivious to what it really is lol) I love me some seafood, but the thought of my fish not being cooked, just never really sounded that appeasing to me. But baby look...My boss and coworker went to lunch and brought me back Sushi and I fell in love. I placed that California Roll in my mouth and I swear my tongue had an organism. I totally underestimated how good it could be. I absolutely fell in love. 

Now as little and minute as that may sound, I was kinda proud of myself. I'm not really an outgoing person when it comes to trying new things. I get so comfortable in my normal routine and it felt great to kind of step out of my element. Ya know, to do something different. 

So my advice to you is to try something different. Dedicate a time once a month or once a week to step out of your comfort zone and do something you've never done before. It's one of my new techniques I'm using to just enjoy life. 
I plan to go ice skating and to go jumping at the trampoline house! What's your plans? 

So talk to me! When's the last time you've done something for the first time? Comment your answers below. :) 

P.S.-Want to try some great Sushi in Arlington? Go to Suzushii Sushi Restaurant on Hwy 287 North. 


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The 5'0 Dreamer

Day 2: Envision 

So something I have been absolutely procrastinating about doing is making a vision board. I have seen it on Pinterest, heard people talk about it, and my friends have done it. I knew that it would be something that I could benefit from,but again it took me so long to get started. So guess what I did today? Made me a vision board. :) This post is about visions, dreaming, striving towards your goals with the help of a vision board.  I'm going to cover the 3 most important reasons why I feel it's important to have a vision board. Let's go.

3. They are so much fun to do. 

Who didn't love arts and crafts in elementary school? I sure did. I enjoyed spending time looking through magazines and scoping out words that popped out to me and pictures that expressed my emotions. I saw a gorgeous wedding dress, saw ways I want to relieve stress, and a nice big salad to motivate me and my healthy lifestyle. I loved it. It was kind of liberating for me. I felt like I was doing something amazing for myself and I absolutely enjoyed it.

2. Create your own future. 

Making a vision board allows me to create my own future. It sort of makes me feel like I am in control of my own destiny. I know that in the end, God has the final say, but that doesn't mean that I sit around and remain idle, knowing that I have goals I want to reach. Ya know, places I want to go. So in my future I see a 50lbs lighter, Mental Health Therapist, married with children, with this fly style and popular blog. All of those things are expressed on my vision board. Time to get to it!

1. See it. Believe it. Achieve it. 

This one sort of ties in with #2. We as people are extremely visual. Our minds respond strongly to visual stimulation. It is very helpful to be able to look at your goals, dreams, and ideal life each day and want to work hard towards achieving it all.  It gives you a sense of hope and confidence. Makes me feel so ready to take on the world. I want to be good, no GREAT at what I do. Just all around great at life and have the most fulfilled one ever. I believe something so simple as a vision board could do that for me, and you!

So what do you need?

  • Old magazines
  • Poster board (some people use cardboard or a cork board)
  • Scissors 
  • Glue stick 
  • Tape 
  • Markers 
  • Anything else you would like to make it absolutely unique to you 
Ok so I want to hear from you. Tell me 3 goals you hope to accomplish by the end of 2015? How do you keep up with your goals and how do you feel once you reach them? 

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 3 of R.E.A.C.H.- Adventure. I'm going to do something I've never done before and I can't wait to share. See ya soon! :)


Monday, March 2, 2015

My Morning Mimosas

Day 1: Rest. Relax. Just Breathe. 

So I woke up Saturday morning and decided that I was going to take a few hours to myself and relax. Do something nice for myself, ya know. I'm always doing so much for other people and I never really get a chance to focus on Bridge.  But not on that day. I was DETERMINED to chill THEE HELL OUT. So...I cooked. Made myself the best French toast on the South Side of Arlington, TX and found a nice drink recipe for mimosas. (Oh how I love Mimosas!!) I also bought myself flowers. Who does that right? I've never had anyone buy me flowers in my life, but I decided that I would buy my own and watch them bloom. 

I sat at the table, ate my French toast and strawberries, drank my peach mimosas, and admired my beautiful lilies, all while listening to some Old school R&B. Pretty sure I had "My Heart Belongs to You," by Jodeci on repeat. Lol

As simple as all of this sounds; I experienced the most relaxing hour of my life that I've had in a VERY long time and all I could do was smile after it was all said and done. And the crazy thing is that it was all extremely therapeutic for me. I realized that it's absolutely necessary to take a second out for yourself. Away from distractions and people. We sometimes get so wrapped up in work, friends and their problems, families and their issues, and everything else that's thrown at us, that we just say, "Forget our own sanity". 

My main message to you all is to take time out for self. Find something that you like to do and just do it. Commit yourself to enjoying that time atleast one hour a week (which may not be enough). Turn off your cell phone and the tv. Eliminate any and all distractions. Focus on YOU. I promise that you will feel a 10000000 times better. Less anxiety and stress. More importantly baby, just RELAX. 

So right now, I proclaim that my Saturday mornings will be filled with breakfast, mimosas (lots of mimosas :) ) and music. 

So talk me guys! What do you plan on doing to relax each week? Or tell me what you're already doing. 

Also, be sure to check back with me tomorrow for Day 2 (Envision) of my series, "R.E.A.C.H."  

With Love,