Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Dear Black Boy

Dear Black Boy, 

I love you. I appreciate you. And there is no limit to how much I will advocate for you. Although I know how it feels to be a black woman in this world, I have absolutely no idea how it feels to be a black man. To always be looked at as the perp, the criminal, the bad guy. The one who is never enough once standing by the side of a white man. To fear for my life as I leave the house, walk down the street, walk to the store. I'll never know the pain you endure and the heart ache you must feel right now. The confusion. The anger.  But can I ask just one thing of you?....

Let's be better than {them}. Let's show {them} that they only need to fear you because you've excelled in education and your career and {they} realize there's no limit to the impact you will have on this world. Not because you walk the streets, smoke your weed, and pose as the "thug" they want you to be. Let's show {them} that you are worth more. Don't just show {them} though. Believe it. Pull up your pants, put on a suit. Walk around like you have a point to prove. Because whether you like it or not, you do. You always have to stand out, be smarter, 10 times better, strive for so much more. Work 10 times harder. Once you feel like you've "made it", don't stop there. Mentor other black boys so they can see that they can be anything they want to be with hard work and prayer. So they can understand that education is important and there is so much more to this world that we live in. Show them how important it is the pick up a book and read and to always remain knowledgeable about the world around us.  Nothing will change unless we do. You have the ability to make a huge difference in this world and the community you live in. I see so much strength in you. So much promise.  Even in the midst of adversity, you continue to prevail. 

Again, Black Boy, I love you and more importantly, I value you and your life. Once you see the value within yourself, I'm  sure change will come. 

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world"-Mahatma Gandhi 

With Love, 

Bridge-A Young Black Woman. 


  1. I like it. I cosign. I love you black man.

  2. Awesome read! Sending to my brothers!

  3. Wow , i was a Mike Brown at the age of 18, and im hurt everytime i think about it because that easily coucould've been me laying in the stree 8yrs ago :( but by my second yr of college i then decided to change my life around , something Mike Brown wasnt given a chance .... please feel free to contact me and let me know of any oppertunity to assist , as an aspiring college coach i plan on assisting as many young men as possible.
