Thursday, March 5, 2015

My One & Only

Day 4: Choose God

When has God not been good enough? Why am I blogging about "Choosing God" as if there's another valuable option? 

This is probably the most important day of my series. I'm blogging about what I'm doing to impact my life and "Choosing God" is definitely #1 on my list. I've been going through a lot where I've not been faithful to God and his word. Instead of allowing God to order my steps, I've been trying to lead my own life and direct my own path. And guess what?....I've been falling flat on my face for that every reason. 

In a previous blog I discussed my relationship with God. I soon realized what I was doing wrong.  I don't pray like I should. I don't read my bible like I should. My relationship with God is present only because he promised to never leave me. But I've honestly been treating him like an "option" or like he is "2nd place". Not purposely, but I admit that it's been happening. I mean, how can I expect God to hear me when I won't allow my heart to speak to him.
God provides me with everything I need. Even when I feel I'm at my wits end, he shows up and shows out for me. I swear I'm so underserving, but he keeps on blessing me. So despite anything I may go through I promise to "Choose God". He is and will forever be the only way. 



  1. Love it Bridge. Realization is a key to change.

  2. Finally caught up on all your post!!! I love your week of different post and all you accomplished in that week! And nice page from the computer! lol
