Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sushi: My New Found Love

Day 3: Adventure 

So the weather was totally not in love with me today so I wasn't really able to do what I wanted to in regards to Day3 of R.E.A.C.H. But nevertheless, my main goal for today was to do something I've never done before. Something totally out of my element. So guess what I did?........I ate Sushi. (My, My, My) 

Now any time I've heard the word Sushi I cringed. And that's because I always thought about raw, uncooked fish. (I know I'm a little oblivious to what it really is lol) I love me some seafood, but the thought of my fish not being cooked, just never really sounded that appeasing to me. But baby look...My boss and coworker went to lunch and brought me back Sushi and I fell in love. I placed that California Roll in my mouth and I swear my tongue had an organism. I totally underestimated how good it could be. I absolutely fell in love. 

Now as little and minute as that may sound, I was kinda proud of myself. I'm not really an outgoing person when it comes to trying new things. I get so comfortable in my normal routine and it felt great to kind of step out of my element. Ya know, to do something different. 

So my advice to you is to try something different. Dedicate a time once a month or once a week to step out of your comfort zone and do something you've never done before. It's one of my new techniques I'm using to just enjoy life. 
I plan to go ice skating and to go jumping at the trampoline house! What's your plans? 

So talk to me! When's the last time you've done something for the first time? Comment your answers below. :) 

P.S.-Want to try some great Sushi in Arlington? Go to Suzushii Sushi Restaurant on Hwy 287 North. 



  1. I love sushi! You should try eel it's bomb. I tried pesto yesterday I like it!

  2. I'm so happy you went outside the box and tried something new! I'm so used to my normal groceries I never try new things. You've inspired me sis.
    Love Nettea

  3. Hey Bridge!!! The Almighty Cool here!! The last time I tried something different was this past Sunday. I ate kale. It was pretty good. I was definitely pleased.
